‘Winter? Won’t let that stop me!’ And so, Warren, fondly known by all as Bluey, heads into the water at Mooloolaba Beach for another 3km swim.
“I swim with a bunch of old fellas 3-4 times a week, summer and winter. It is great for my health, and I catch up with my mates and meet new people.” Bluey says.
A plumber by trade, Bluey only learnt to swim when he joined the Police Force after his years with the Infantry Battalion in Vietnam. His career and hobbies have been both interesting and varied. Bluey managed 40 drivers and their trucks in the Transport industry as well as working as a manager on the Mt Isa Mines. The man of the hour also found the time to continue with his passion of racing sport sedans, sailing his yacht around the great blue and flipping houses that he had renovated.
If you thought Bluey’s careers and hobbies were fascinating, just wait until you hear about his water event competitions. In 2008 and 2009 he took part in the Coolangatta Gold, one of the Gold Coasts premier surf lifesaving events that aims to test’s one endurance and perseverance in a challenge. He proudly finished the 23km ski paddle, 6.1km board paddle, 3.5km swim and 9.2km run, His eyes lighting up when he talks about this achievement.
Bluey has fearlessly battled with prostate cancer and continuously faced the world with courage after receiving his Parkinson’s disease diagnosis. Despite these challenges, Bluey has refused to allow this to stop his love of the water and being active. “Keeping busy is good for your physical and mental health. You don’t need to give up just because you have a diagnosis. Keep challenging yourself, have fun, stay active. You will slow down but don’t stop” says Bluey. As Bluey continuously inspires those around him, we look towards him as a symbol of strength and courage.
For Suncare support worker Zoe, spending time with Bluey is fun and inspirational. Both are members of the Maroochydore Surf Life Saving Club, and share a love of the water so have much to talk about. “My work is really rewarding. Everyone deserves to live their everyday life as they want to. And I love helping to make that happen.”
And Bluey smiles when he says Zoe is an asset to Suncare with her pleasant demeanour and openness. As they say, ‘it’s all going swimmingly!’