
Our quarterly Suncare Community Newsletter features the latest news and updates happening in the local community. The newsletter will introduce you to some of our wonderful customers, volunteers and team members. As well as tips for staying active, delicious recipes and dates to add to your diary. 

Making people’s lives better

The Suncare Times Summer Edition 2024

Welcome to the final edition of the Suncare Times for 2024! 

It has been another fantastic year here at Suncare, and we want to wish all a wonderful festive season and New Year. 

In this edition, we will share with you some important information about the new Aged Care Act, as well as some governance improvements we plan to make in future. 

We also recently unveiled our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan, representing a vital step forward in our reconciliation journey. 

To bring some cheer, we have included a short story on a very generous anonymous donation one of our valued customers received, just in time for Christmas! 

There is even a quick and delicious shortbread recipe and Christmas-themed wordsearch included, so get out your apron and pen and enjoy a few fun activities. 

The Suncare Times Past Editions