Suncare was part of an aged care compliance audit conducted by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission earlier this year.
Overall, Suncare’s customers reported a high level of satisfaction with the safety and quality of our care and services, however, there were three areas identified as opportunities for improvement to align with the aged care quality standards.
These are the areas where we need to improve:
Requirement 1(3)(e) – Effectively implement and embed appropriate processes to ensure each consumer receives current, accurate and timely information communicated in a way that is a clear, easy to understand and enables them to exercise choice.
Requirement 2(3)(a) – Effectively implement and embed appropriate risk assessment tools when conducting assessment and planning for CHSP funded cottage respite services.
Requirement 8(3)(c) – Effectively implement and embed processes to ensure effective organisation wide information management systems are in place.
Suncare are committed to returning to compliance in the three areas identified.
Here’s what we’re doing to improve.
We want to make our bills easier to understand. We’ll be:
– Asking you to help us design new, clearer bills
– Writing letters and information in simpler language
– Helping you understand our prices better
– Checking with you after 3 months to ensure you are satisfied with the changes
We’re taking a close look at how we run Boronia Cottage. We plan to:
– Review and improve the intake, assessment, care planning and handover processes at Boronia Cottage to improve the quality of your respite experience
– Give our staff more training to serve you better
To make sure we’re doing what we promise:
– Our senior team and board will have meetings every month to ensure we are delivering on our quality improvement promises.
– We’ll keep working on making things better for you
We’re doing all this to give you better care and make sure you’re happy with our services.
We’ll keep you updated on how it’s going.
If you have any questions or ideas, please let us know!