Honouring a devoted Elder

Suncare Honour Elder Aunty Betty

Join the Suncare Community Services team to honour the memory and work of Historical Elder Aunty Betty McMahon at the Aunty Betty Memorial Reconciliation Walk. Wednesday 2 June 2021, 10.00am–12 noon.

Devoted Elder Aunty Betty was heavily involved with Suncare Community Services until her retirement in July 2015. She was an active member of the Suncare Committee, a member of the Strategic Marketing Committee as well as lead Cultural Advisor on both the First Peoples Advisory Committee and our Reconciliation Action Plan Council.

As Aunty for the Nandjimadji Art and Yarning Group, Murri Connections Art Group and as Lead Advisor/Organiser for Reconciliation Week Walks, she nurtured Murri customers and staff.

Join us for morning tea, cultural activities and a conducted walk with Traditional Custodians of Buderim Forest Park,  Lindsay Road, Buderim.

Come along on the day or register at: www.trybooking.com/bpynt

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