Alan’s Story

Alan's Story Suncare Community Services_0

Suncare customer Alan Stevens loves to spend time on the water, fishing and enjoying the great outdoors.

In retirement, Alan dedicates two days each week as a volunteer helping people living with a disability to safely experience and enjoy sailing.

Alan understands the importance of creating a safe environment, as he also lives with mobility issues.

“Four years ago I had trouble with my diabetes and my right leg was amputated which really slowed me down. That’s when I was recommended to contact Suncare for support services,” said Alan.

Alan’s Care Coordinator worked with him to identify how his Home Care Package could best be used to maintain his hobbies and lifestyle.

“Last month, Suncare organised artificial grass for the footpath that goes down the side of my house, and I can now get from my duplex to the driveway to put the bins out without the worry of falling.”

Alan’s Home Care Package includes fortnightly visits from a cleaner and weekly physiotherapist visits which help with his leg strength and improving mobility around his home.

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